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Israel kills nine Palestinians in West Bank ‘anti-terror’ operation

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Israel launched a large-scale operation across the West Bank on Wednesday, killing nine Palestinians in an attempt to root out “terror infrastructure”.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) entered three cities in the occupied territories – Jenin, Tubas and Tulkarem – early in the morning.
The military said its forces killed nine militants while the Palestinian Red Crescent said 10 people died in the clashes.
Columns of armoured vehicles were seen entering the refugee camps in Tubas and Tulkarem, where IDF troops engaged in gun battles.
Israeli forces regularly enter the West Bank but raids of this size on several cities at the same time are rare if not unprecedented since the Second Palestinian Intifada – a 2000 to 2005 uprising.
The IDF said it killed five terrorists in an operations room in Nur Shams camp in Tulkarem, identifying one, Jasan Ismail Jibril, as having been released from Israeli prison under last year’s ceasefire deal.
Another of the dead, Adnan Jaber, manufactured explosives, the IDF said.
Israeli bulldozers were filmed digging up roads in the area as the army said it was searching for bombs. One was hit by an explosive device, according to videos published on social media.
Israel Katz, Israel’s foreign minister, said the operation was “a war” to “dismantle Iranian-Islamic terror infrastructure”.
He said that Palestinians may need to be moved out of their homes in the West Bank as in Gaza, where evacuation orders have been issued across the Strip.
Everything would be done to deal with the terror threat, Mr Katz said, “including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required”. He added: “This is a war for everything and we must win it.”
The foreign minister blamed Iran for working to establish an “eastern terrorist front against Israel in the West Bank, according to the Gaza and Lebanon model, by financing and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan”.
Lt Col Nadav Shoshani, an Israeli military spokesman, said he was not aware of any plan to evacuate Palestinians from the West Bank. Local media reported that Israel had ordered residents of Nur Shams to leave the camp within four hours. 
An IDF spokesman denied that a formal order had been given, stating that residents were advised to leave for their own safety.
Lt Shoshani said the raids were a pre-emptive effort to stop planned attacks on Israelis, comparing them to Israel’s weekend strikes on Hezbollah rocket launchers.
The IDF issued photos of ammunition, weapons and other military equipment seized during the raid.
Israeli media reported that the operation in the northern West Bank is expected to last several days, with a focus on the Tulkarem area, Jenin and the Far’a camp.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad called on the mainstream Palestinian Authority to join their ranks and take up arms against Israel following the clashes.
“The Palestinian Authority must make a historic decision to stand with the people and support the resistance,” Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman, Mohammed Al-Hajj Musa, said.
Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority Security Forces to “assume their responsibilities, to recognize the dangers threatening our national cause, and to join our people’s sacred battle”.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, cut his trip to Saudi Arabia short, returning to the West Bank following the news of Israel’s operations. Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the official spokesman for the presidency, said the US bears responsibility for Israel’s actions while calling on Washington to “intervene immediately”.
“The world must take immediate and urgent action to curb this extremist government that poses a threat to the stability of the region and the world as a whole,” Mr Rudeineh said.
It came as the US sanctioned an Israeli settler group on Wednesday that the State Department said was involved in violence against Palestinians and had a role in the forced displacement of some 250 villagers earlier this year.
The UN Human Rights Office said the latest Israeli raids risk “deepening the already catastrophic situation” in the West Bank.
An IDF official told foreign journalists that Israel has seen a “significant rise” in terror activity in Jenin and Tulkarem over the last year, with some 150 shootings and explosive attacks originating from these areas.
The official said that the failed Tel Aviv suicide bombing attack last week was carried out by someone from Jenin.
Hundreds of explosive devices have been “planted under roads, ready to be activated at civilians or forces”, the official said, calling them “extremely dangerous” as they can be detonated from afar.
IEDs killed two soldiers in recent weeks but they also cause damage to Palestinians as they impact roads, sewage lines, and infrastructure.
Thank you for following today’s live coverage of the Israel-Hamas war.
We’ll be back soon with more updates and analysis from the conflict.
The Israeli military “failed” in its response to a deadly attack led by some 100 settlers in the occupied West Bank earlier this month, an IDF investigation revealed on Wednesday.
The raid occurred on 15 August in the northern West Bank village of Jit, amid soaring violence by Jewish settlers in the Palestinian territory during the Gaza war.
Major General Avi Bluth, head of the military’s Central Command which operates in the West Bank, was quoted in a statement as saying the attack was “a very serious terror incident in which Israelis set out to deliberately harm the residents of the town of Jit, and we failed by not succeeding to arrive earlier to protect them”.
Jit residents have said about 100 settlers armed with knives and firearms set fire to cars and homes in the village. 
The Palestinian health ministry said a 23-year-old Palestinian man, Rashid Sada, was shot dead in the attack.
The European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell Fontelles, has condemned what he calls Israel’s “repeated violations of the status quo of the holy sites” in Jerusalem.
In a post on X, he shared his ‘concern’ that holy sites were ‘under continued threat’, singling out Israel’s far-right security minister Itamer Ben-Gvir.
Mr Ben-Gvir recently led hundreds of Jewish Israelis into Jerusalem’s most contested holy site, the al-Aqsa Mosque, after he expressed support for the idea of building a synagogue at the hilltop compound.
Under the fragile “status quo” arrangement, only Muslims are allowed to pray at the site, known to Jews as Temple Mount.
I share DPM @AymanHsafadi’s concerns about the repeated violations of the Status Quo of the Holy Sites, under continued threat including from Minister Ben Gvir.They are fully legitimate and must be addressed by the international community. Regional stability is at stake.
At least 10 Hamas fighters have been killed in the West Bank in one of the largest assaults seen on the territory for months, Hamas has said.
Hundreds of Israeli troops backed by helicopters, drones and armoured personnel carriers raided the flashpoint cities of Jenin and Tulkarm and other areas in the region
The incursion followed a series of smaller raids across the area in recent weeks, as Israeli forces sought to eliminate groups of fighters from Palestinian militant groups.
More than 600 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since the October 7 attack in Israel, according to the United Nations’ agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).
This included 128 who were killed by airstrikes in August alone.
UNRWA also reported that 113 Palestinians were last week detained by Israeli security forces in search and arrest operations across the occupied territories.
The United States has announced new sanctions on Israeli settlers in the West Bank, in a bid to push Israel to hold those who commit violence against Palestinians accountable.
Washington issued its first sanctions against settlers in February this year, after President Biden said violence in the territory had reached “intolerable levels.”
The sanctions block the individuals from accessing all US property, assets and the American financial system.
The US State Department announced today that it would sanction Hashomer Yosh, an Israeli NGO providing material support to several of those already sanctioned.
It also sanctioned Yitzhak Levi Filant, the security coordinator of the Yitzhar settlement near Nablus, for “engag[ing] in malign activities.”
Israel’s action in the West Bank is an “operation against Iranian weapons and terror organisations”, former IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus has warned.
Mr Conricus, who is now a fellow at the US Defence of Democracies think tank, has claimed that explosives, assault rifles and pistols are being smuggled into the West Bank across the Jordanian border.
“Iran is flooding the West Bank with weapons,” he said.
He added that today’s incursion was an example of Israel cracking down on “Palestinian terrorists” who “are in very close proximity to Israeli civilians.”
“It is a very dangerous situation for Israeli citizens,” he said.
The fate of a ceasefire deal being struck between Israel and Hamas is in the hands of the leader of the Palestinian militant group, CIA deputy director David Cohen said on Wednesday.
Yahya Sinwar was appointed the head of the political wing of Hamas in Gaza earlier this month,  replacing Ismail Haniyeh who was killed in Tehran in July.
Mr Cohen did not refer to Mr Sinwar by name, but said that the question of a ceasefire deal was “largely a question that [was] going to be answered” by him.
Talking at an intelligence and national security summit in Washington, he added that the Israelis were showing seriousness in the negotiations.
The United Nations Security Council on Wednesday unanimously voted to extend a long-running peacekeeping mission in Lebanon for another year, amid escalating tensions across the Middle East.
The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), established in 1978, patrols Lebanon’s southern border with Israel. 
The mandate for the operation is renewed annually, and its current authorization was due to expire on Saturday.
The vote comes mere days after the Israeli military and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group mounted their biggest round of intense cross-border between them over the last 10 months, when the war in Gaza began.
Israeli soldiers are trading live fire with Palestinian terror groups in the West Bank, the IDF said on Wednesday.
“We have met explosives already in the first hours, and we have met real-time fire exchanges with terrorists engaging in battle,” Nadav Shoshani, the IDF’s spokesman, told reporters on Wednesday, after Israel launched raids in the West Bank.
Israeli troops have targeted a “mixture of terror groups and terror cells”, he said, without specifying how long the operation would last.
Military sources told the Times of Israel earlier on Wednesday that they expected the raids to last “several days”.
The operation was launched at midnight local time on Wednesday, with Israeli forces targeting four main cities in the northern part of the West Bank: Jenin, Tulkarem, Nablus, and Tubas.
Nine Palestinians were killed in the first stage of the operation, which the IDF said included “armed terrorists”.
An Israeli hostage has revealed that he urged Benjamin Netanyahu to “put an end” to Israelis still being held by Hamas. 
Farhan al-Qadi, who was rescued in what the IDF described as a “complex operation” this week, has since been released from hospital and returned to his home in southern Israel. 
Speaking to reporters at a tent set up near his home near Rahat, Mr al-Qadi said he is “feeling 100%” but that “the place I was in, I don’t wish upon anyone — so do everything to return the people home”. 
“I’m enjoying every minute I have in the light. I was in the dark for so long,” he added. “I’m enjoying every minute of family.”
Dr Mustafa Barghouti, the general secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative, has told The Telegraph that the IDF’s operation in the West Bank is a “unilateral declaration of war”.
“They are trying to imitate what is happening in Gaza,” he said.
“Power and water supplies are destroyed, houses are being destroyed. The operation is expanding and they will expand it even further.”
Dr Barghouti said he did not believe the raids would stop after a few days, which military sources claimed to the Times of Israel earlier on Wednesday.
The IDF blocked access to a hospital in Jenin after storming the city in a raid on Wednesday, an aid organisation based in the West Bank has claimed. 
Nibal Farsakh, spokesperson for the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), told the Telegraph that the groups medical teams have “faced obstruction by Israeli forces”. 
She told the Telegraph: “Jenin Governmental Hospital is being blocked, where medical teams and ambulances are prevented from entering and/or leaving the hospital making it hard to deliver healthcare services to the injured. 
“Every minute matters in saving lives. It’s the critical line between life and death. The situation in the West Bank is dire, with injured and wounded civilians and obstruction of the work of medical teams and ambulances.”
The IDF has released footage of the moment a three-kilometre long Hamas tunnel was destroyed in central Gaza.
🔴DISMANTLED: 3km-long terrorist attack tunnel in Gaza.During Operation ‘Protective Edge’ in 2014, part of the tunnel route was destroyed. Over the years, Hamas has attempted to restore and to make the tunnel route operational. Today, our troops investigated and dismantled it.
An Islamic Jihad official was killed in a fighter jet strike along the Syrian-Lebanese border, the IDF said on Wednesday.
The army said Faris Qasim was a “significant terrorist in Islamic Jihad Operations Division” responsible for the development of the group’s operational plans in Syria and Lebanon.
“He had a central role in the recruitment of Palestinian terrorists into the Hezbollah terrorist organization responsible for carrying out terrorist attacks from Lebanon against the State of Israel,” the army said.
“In recent years, Hezbollah, with Iranian direction and funding, has been systematically recruiting Palestinian operatives to advance and direct terrorist activity against Israel from Lebanese territory,” it added.
Additional Islamic Jihad terrorists “who were on their way from Syria to carry out terrorist activities” for Hezbollah in Lebanon were also killed in the strike.
If you’re just joining us, here’s a reminder of what has been happening in the West Bank on Wednesday. 
Nine Palestinians were killed on Wednesday morning as the Israeli army launched a major counter-terror operation in the West Bank.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Shin Bet intelligence agency said they struck “five terrorists in an operations room” in the area of Nur Shams in the northern West Bank.
The structure was used to conduct “terrorist activity and harm IDF soldiers operating in the area”, the army said, identifying one of those killed as Jibril Jasan Ismail Jibril who was released as part of the ceasefire agreement in November last year.
Islamic Jihad confirmed that its members were clashing with the IDF in Tulkarem and the Al-Far’a camp while the Al Aqsa Martyr Brigade said it confronted Israeli soldiers in both the Al-Far’a and Nur Shams camps.
Israeli engineers have destroyed a three-kilometre long Hamas tunnel located along the central Gaza Strip, the IDF said on Wednesday. 
The IDF said part of the tunnel, located near the Netzarim Corridor, was destroyed in 2014 but was rebuilt by Hamas in the years since. 
The Netzarim Corridor was set up by Israeli forces to separate the Gaza Strip into northern and southern zones. 
Mahmud Abbas has cut short his visit to Saudi Arabia after Israeli forces entered the West Bank to carry out a series of large-scale counter-terror raids. 
The Palestinian president wants to “follow up on the latest developments in light of the Israeli aggression on the northern West Bank”, state media reported on Wednesday. 
Sir Keir Starmer spoke alongside Olaf Scholz, his German counterpart, in Berlin, where on Wednesday they announced a new treaty between their two countries. 
The Prime Minister was asked about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, with Sir Keir declaring that both nations have a “common commitment to resolve the crisis”. 
“We agree on Israel’s right to self-defence in compliance with international humanitarian law, the need for de-escalation across the region, and for restraint and caution to be exercised,” the Prime Minister said. 
“Unfettered humanitarian access into Gaza, agreement to a ceasefire and release of all hostages, and the importance of working together towards a political solution, based on the creation of a Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel, the only way to provide long-term peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.
“And that, of course, is not an easy goal, but it is one that we are committed to pursuing together.”
Israeli soldiers have engaged in clashes with Palestinian fighters during large-scale raids in the West Bank, the IDF said on Wednesday.
“We have met explosives already in the first hours, and we have met real-time fire exchanged with terrorists engaging in battle,” Nadav Shoshani, the IDF’s spokesman, told reporters.
The troops were targeting a “mixture of terror groups and terror cells”, he said, but did not give a timeline on how long the operation would last. 
Israeli media reported earlier on Wednesday that the raids are expected to last “several days”.
150 terrorist attacks against Israelis have been carried out over the past year by terrorists from Jenin and Tulkarm. Read that again: 150 terrorist attacks in 1 year. These attacks have repeatedly put the lives of not only Israelis, but Palestinians at risk. Our troops are…
Hamas and Islamic Jihad called on the Palestinian Authority to join ranks and take up arms against Israel following deadly clashes in the northern West Bank on Wednesday.
“The Palestinian Authority must make a historic decision to stand with the people and support the resistance,” Mohammed Al-Hajj Musa, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman, said. 
Meanwhile, Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority Security Forces to “assume their responsibilities, to recognize the dangers threatening our national cause, and to join our people’s sacred battle”. 
“We urge them to continue the path of resistance until the occupation is defeated, and our people achieve their freedom and right to self-determination,” the statement continued. 
The IDF has released footage showing the moment an Israeli hostage was transported to safety after being rescued from Gaza.
Qaid Farhan Al-Qadi, a Bedouin who was captured on Oct 7 while working as a factory guard, was returned home on Tuesday after soldiers found him in a tunnel by chance.
Four people were killed in an Israeli drone strike on a car crossing through a Syrian checkpoint near the Lebanon border, two security sources told the Reuters news agency.
Those killed included three Palestinian fighters and one member of Hezbollah.
Israeli and Syrian officials have not commented on the strike.
“Everyone will pay the price” for escalating violence in the West Bank, the Palestinian presidency said on Wednesday. 
Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesperson for the presidency, said the IDF’s ongoing counter-terror raids in the West Bank “are a continuation of the comprehensive war on our people, our land and our holy sites”. 
He also blamed the US for the escalating violence as it “provides protection and support for this occupation to continue its war against our Palestinian people”.
The IDF has released footage of a drone strike which was carried out in the West Bank’s Al-Far’a camp near the city of Tubas.
A spokesperson for the IDF said the strike killed four Palestinian gunmen who “endangered forces” by threatening Israeli forces carrying out a raid in the area.
כוחות צה”ל, שב”כ ומג”ב החלו הלילה במבצע לסיכול טרור בג׳נין ובטול-כרם.במהלך הלילה כלי טיס תקפו וחיסלו מהאוויר בג׳נין שלושה מחבלים חמושים אשר היוו איום על הלוחמים בשטח.במקביל, פתחו הכוחות במבצע מוסק במרחב פרעה שבחטיבת הבקעה והעמקים במהלכו כלי-טיס תקף וחיסל מהאוויר ארבעה מחבלים…
The IDF has released a new statement confirming its counter-terror operations in Jenin and Telkarem, where it says Israeli soldiers “eliminated armed terrorists from the air and ground”.
Three armed terrorists were killed in an air strike on Jenin, the IDF said, while two more were killed across Jenin and Tulkarem.
Israeli forces also said four armed terrorists were killed in Al-Far’a.
A joint statement with the national police and security agency read: “Israeli security forces began a counterterrorism operation in Jenin and Tulkarem, eliminating armed terrorists from the air and ground, dismantling explosives planted under the roads and confiscating large quantities of weapons.” 
Ceasefire talks are expected to resume in Doha, Qatar, later on Wednesday, the Reuters news agency reported.
Israeli, American, Egyptian and Qatari negotiators will reportedly meet for “technical/working level” talks on securing a ceasefire in Gaza.
Israeli troops were also seen operating in the Nur Shams camp in the West Bank city of Tulkarem on Wednesday.
Israel’s military told the Times of Israel that it believed the city had been used by a terror network which carried out a suicide bomber attack in Tel Aviv on Aug 18.
Israel’s military confirmed it was carrying out operations in Jenin and Tulkarem to “thwart terror” but it is believed to be operating across four cities in total. 
Clashes have also been reported in Nablus and Tubas.
It is the first time since the second intifada, a major Palestinian uprising between 2000 and 2005, that several cities have been targeted in this way.
The governor of Jenin, one of the cities the IDF said it is targeting in its ongoing raids, claimed Israeli forces had “surrounded the city” on Wednesday morning. 
Kamal Abu al-Rub claimed on Palestinian radio that entry and exit points to the city had been blocked.
Israeli soldiers have been seen patrolling the streets in the Al-Far’a camp in Tubas, one of the cities were the IDF has focused its ongoing raids. 
The IDF said Mohanad Qarawi and Muhammad Yussef were among those killed in their ongoing West Bank raids, both of whom the army said were involved in “terrorist activity in Nur Shams”. 
The military also claimed Adnan Jaber, who manufactured explosives “intended to harm security forces”, had been killed. 
Yisrael Katz, Israel’s foreign minister, called on the army to deal with the terror threats from the West Bank the same way it does in Gaza. 
This includes “the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required,” he said.
“This is a war for everything and we must win it.”
Mr Katz also blamed Iran for working to establish an “eastern terrorist front against Israel in the West Bank, according to the Gaza and Lebanon model, by financing and arming terrorists and smuggling advanced weapons from Jordan”. 
Foreign Minister @Israel_katz :’The IDF has been operating with full force since last night in the Jenin and Tulkarm refugee camps to dismantle Iranian-Islamic terror infrastructures established there. Iran is working to establish an eastern terror front against Israel in Judea…
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